Holiday Treats
December 18, 2017
During this time of year we love making holiday treats and filling the house with the sweet aroma of cinnamon, vanilla, ginger and more - this is what makes the holiday season so infectious! The best part is making these holiday treats together - so grab your kids and start making some delicious memories! All you need for these treats are Morning Rounds, cookie cutters and a little imagination.
Let the holiday magic begin!
Gingerbread Men
6 Cranberry Orange Morning Rounds or Morning Rounds of your choice
1 tablespoon icing sugar
2 cups cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
chocolate chips
candy pearls (optional)
gingerbread man cookie cutter
1. Press a gingerbread man cookie cutter into a Cranberry Orange Morning Round. Use a knife to cut away excess bread. Repeat with remaining Morning Rounds.
2. Mix cream cheese, icing sugar and vanilla together until well blended. Use a piping bag or cut a small hole in a plastic bag to create a piping bag and fill the bag with the cream cheese frosting. Slowly frost the Gingerbread Men to add eyes, buttons and other details.
3. Add chocolate chips and candy pearls to the design if desired.
Raspberry Jam Stars
6 Date & Chia Morning Rounds or Morning Rounds of your choice
Raspberry Jam
Icing sugar (optional)
Small star cookie cutter
Large star cookie cutter
1. Carefully slice 6 Morning Rounds in half, creating thinly sliced sandwich buns.
2. Starting with one Morning Round sandwich bun, press the large star cookie cutter into both halves and remove excess bread.
3. Separate sliced stars. Press smaller star cookie cutter into the middle of one half of the Morning Round sandwich bun. Creating a double star cut out.
4. Spread raspberry jam on to the large star created with the bottom half of the Morning Round.
5. Place the double star cut out over the raspberry jam star. The jam will hold the two halves together.
6. Repeat with remaining Morning Rounds to create more Raspberry Jam Stars. Lightly dust with icing sugar if desired.