Easy vs. Epic
August 01, 2018
It was Bronwyn’s dream to bike across Canada and she did just that. Starting from Ottawa and heading all the way to Vancouver, she overcame several challenges to meet her goal. Bronwyn didn’t expect to offer solutions or change tomorrow; this ride gave her an opportunity to start a conversation with Canadians about our environmental responsibility. Bronwyn chose to travel with a limited amount of items and relied on crowd-sourcing through http://sweatandsoil.org/ for accommodations along the way, showing that with the support of a community anything is possible. She challenged our traditional way of thinking about strangers on the internet by finding support and making new friends in every city. Although exhausted and emotional at the end of the trip, most of all Bronwyn felt incredibly grateful. She got to experience the beauty of Canada and the kindness of strangers. Although physically riding alone, Bronwyn was never really alone and thanks everyone for their support.